Sunday, March 27, 2011

Helpful Information

Since we have moved, I've been compiling a list in my head of some things that every mom needs to know when she moves to a completely new city in a completely new state. It gets longer and longer! The further down the road we get, I realize, "OMG, I haven't been to the dentist in over a year!" Or, "I am out of prescription cat food and if I don't find a vet my cat will die!" Better yet, "My child hasn't pooped for a whole week, I need a pediatrician!!!"

I know that you ladies would be more than willing to offer up this information to any newcomer who asked you, but I was really wishing someone would just hand me a list when I moved here. It's been slow for me to find friends, women I truly think of as friends, whom I can trust. And so, I've done a lot of my own research in the form of "trial and error." I've had a pediatrician speak to me in condescending baby talk, I've picked up my dog from a groomer who was SMOKING INSIDE WITH MY DOG, been to very strange grocery stores, had a massage by someone with super long scratchy fingernails, and so this list goes on. Obviously, in this day in age, the internet could provide me with all of this information, but without someone's personal experience, you may as well not even look.

And so, not in any particular order...these are some things every mom needs to know when she moves to a new place:

1. Grocery stores: best meats and produce, is there an organic or more natural/local place, a store that has the best coupons, etc...I've found that there are typically 3 types of stores. I want to know them.

2. Pediatrician: Someone respectful who will take the time to know your child and care about his/her history and your concerns, in an office withOUT an hour wait.

3. ObGyn: Female please. Or at least a female in the office, clean, kind, warm, understanding

4. Where to get a good haircut

5. Where to get a good massage

6. Best authentic Mexican food

7. Pediatric Dentist (who doesn't scare the crap out of kids)

8. Preschools: Which are the best but not the most expensive - and I want to know this from someone who has BEEN THERE.

9. Babysitters

10. Kids Haircuts

11. Primary care doctor for mom and dad

12. Emergency Room locations

13. Library

14. Mechanic (oil change/fender bender/routine check ups)

15. Optometrist and Pediatric Optometrist

16. Veterinarian

17. Groomer (if not by vet)

18. Boarder (if not done by vet)

19. Parks with trails and playground equipment

20. Chinese Food (no dog, please)

21. Chiropractor

22. MOPS (a friendly one, please!)

23. A good women's Bible study group (because it may take quite a while to find a church)

24. Gym with childcare (and not teenagers watching MTV)

25. Once Upon A Child

26. McDonald's with a play place (if there is not a chic fil a nearby)

27. Where to get your driver's license renewed and your license plates changed (because here you have to go to 3 different places to do this. I have not done it yet!)

28. Mall (ok, ok. this one's for Luke and Mayah. I HATE the mall)

Can you think of any others?


  1. These are GREAT suggestions. I absolutely know where you are coming from. I have moved to several different cities in my life. But NEVER with kids! I can't even imagine how hard it is. I am still getting used to things in Cincinnati. And I have been here for 6 years!

  2. What a great idea to ask our MOPS moms to contribute to and then have the list available to new moms in our group. There are quite a few moms that come to MOPS for the first time that are new to the area.
