Thursday, March 10, 2011

All right people, I'm losing it!

It's been a complete month of sickness in our house--literally from the last MOPS meeting the one today. And between the constant screaming of a 6 month old with a fever and new teeth cutting through, tons of dirty diapers, and my daugther yelling "runny nose!" every 3 seconds, I have lost it.  I can't remember the last time I showered, probably because I have no memory brain tissue left and because it happens so rarely. Don't get me wrong, I love my little "blessings" but sometimes I wonder, how did I get here?, and how do I get myself out?, and is every one else's house like this? Or it is just mine? Does any other 24/7 mom daydream about taking up their long lost career again? I could use a good, long BREAK! The problem is, I am such a control freak that when I do get a break, I constantly wonder what my husband is doing at home. Will the house be a mess when I return? (Sorry honey) Is my daughter banging at the door the whole time yelling "mommy! mommy?" So instead of actually leaving the house, I find myself completely sucked into The Bachelor and/or American Idol. When the shows I like to watch are on, no one can distract me. I am completely locked in. I think a bomb could explode in our house and there I would be, sitting on the edge of my couch, one hand in a box of Trader Joe's mini peanut butter cups (which by the way, are dangerously delicious) and the other clenched tightly around the remote.

So for today, I say screw the studies about stay at home moms using the TV as a babysitter. Mommy needs to let out some steam on this here blog. Here you are, now go watch some Cat In The Hat.

PS: Thanks for the Dove bar, Sarah. It was a nice change from my mini cups.


  1. Oh Jen, you are not alone. I keep thinking that when spring gets here, things will be get so much better...right? I mean, they can't get any worse! I'm thinking about you. Do you need me to bring you over some more chocolate? :)

  2. and I just looked outside and saw snow. :(

  3. Jen, you are NOT alone! These are the tough days. They are. I'll treasure forever the words of my aunt who said to me once, "If you were always perfect, your kids would have a very skewed view of this world. They need to know that there is room for the "un" perfect in God's heart, and to not expect perfection from everyone else." They know you love them, and what you can't do, God can cover!
